Saturday, February 6, 2010

Run Sis Run is here!

Welcome to our site. We are excited about each other and about running, racing, fitness, workout gear, shopping, traveling and seeing each other often! However, Vera lives in NYC and Judith in The Hague, the Netherlands, so we rely on email, skype, facebook and many calls to stay connected. As sisters we couldn't wish for anybody better than each other.
That said, time for less cheesiness and more ACTION. Running action.
Currently, Judith runs alone or with friends mostly in The Hague and in the gym. Vera runs with friends and her team in Central Park, New York and in the Upper East Side. 24 hour fitness is her indoor workout paradise.
We both got super enthusiastic after running our first real races and setting new goals. For Judith this was the Dam 2 Dam Run, from Amsterdam to Zaandam: 10 miles back in September 2009. Vera set her goals on the NYC Half Marathon in August 2009 after completing her first 10K race organized by Nike the year before. After reaching our goals we kept on running and wanted to become faster and better runners. The New York Harriers helped improve Vera significantly besides making many new friends! Best decision in years to join this team!
Judith wants to complete a half marathon in the Spring or Summer and will most likely train with her The Hague friends. With this website we will keep you posted on races, goals, progress, training experiences, good or bad and we hope you will enjoy our stories.


  1. I'm a very happy mother, because here I read so much love between my two daughters!! Go girls, go!!
