Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am in!

It's been way too long since my last update. The summer flew by. A summer with beautiful weather, super humid days, exciting races, weekend getaways and a couple of setbacks. But that's the history of the summer of 2010. Right now it's fall, I recovered from an injury and learned how to avoid it from coming back. It turned out that I had a lazy left butt and that resulted in peroneal tendonitis late July. Luckily with the help of a fantastic physical therapist I went to the root of the problem and worked on strengthening my ankle plus my left weaker side and I was able to slowly build up mileage and resume marathon training in the middle of August. Still in time for my first marathon in November. It was frustrating and I got nervous, but my New York sista, who happens to be a very talented trainer, helped me with exercises, whipped me into shape with plyometrics and listened patiently to all my questions, doubts and insecurities about running a marathon and all other things that kept me awake at night. Now I feel stronger and pumped and ready to run this town. THIS town, since through my team, the NY Harriers, I recently learned that I got a spot in the ING NYC Marathon! Yes!!! It's a dream come true. My first marathon in my city, where I live for 6.5 years now and where I took running to a more serious level in terms of distances, race times, competing and more importantly being part of a team since 2009. A team that gave me new friendships, new challenges and a well-balanced active and social life.
I am so excited and nervous at the same time for November 7th. But most of all proud to be running my first marathon as a Harrier, being cheered on by my teammates and some of my best friends and colleagues. It's sad that my beloved family can't be here, but I know they will be tracking me at home in Holland, with iPhones, internet and text messages. Knowing that will hopefully keep me going strong. As well as that some exceptional people in NY, are family now. All I have to do now is RUN and make them proud, which I hope I will be able to do. And enjoy my very first marathon of course!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Veer,

    Enjoy your first marathon experience. I will be cheering for you on First Avenue with GU & Gatorade in hand. Trust in all your hard work, I know you will do well.
    Please know your NYH friends, sista, and Mr. Biggs are so proud of you. Enjoy your day sweetie!

    Warm hugs,
